
Marketing Preferences

Red Engineering Design Limited (RED) want to keep you informed of the latest news, events and services available to you.

Your privacy is very important, which is why we make sure you are always in control of what we do with and how we use your personal information.

To unsubscribe from all future RED marketing communications ensure all the options below are unticked and click Submit

Alternatively opt‐in to the communications you do want to receive by ticking the relevant boxes below and clicking Submit

You have control over your own personal data and what we send to you whether it is updates, newsletters and/or our upcoming events. You can change your mind on this at any time. We will always handle your personal data ethically, which means we’ll always do the right thing by you. We have put security measures in place to help prevent your data from being misused accidentally or intentionally.

Please select options for Communication Methods and Communication Types.

For more information about how we will use your data and procedures we have in place to safeguard your data please see the RED privacy policy.

You can contact us regarding your marketing preferences at any time by contacting: